Friday, July 15, 2011

Read OUT, then Watch 'Harry Potter 7: Part 2'

You have plans to watch the movie 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2'? Before watching the story of the last 'Harry Potter, you must read this one.
For those who only watch without reading the book, the last part of the sequel to 'Harry Potter' might be a bit confusing. With a film that divided two parts and a variety of terms, this film becomes a bit difficult to digest. Therefore, first read the list below:
What happened in 'Part 1'?
Lord Voldemort becomes more powerful than ever. Death Eaters, Voldemort's men took control of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts's most respected teachers killed by Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts which later became headmaster, Severus Snape.
Meanwhile, Harry Potter and his two friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger began plotting to destroy the "horcrux" as the only way to destroy Voldemort. Destruction is of course not easy, especially since they were stopped Death Eaters everywhere.
What is a Horcrux?
Horcrux is the most evil thing in the world because Voldemort used to save her soul mate. Horcrux could be a diary, ring, pendant or whatever. Voldemort split his soul into 7 and store them in these objects. All seven items must be destroyed to kill Voldemort. Plus, the Horcrux can not be destroyed just like that. Only certain objects that can destroy it.
Harry has destroyed one of them with the sword of Gryffindor, but much remains to be sought and destroyed.
So, what is the Deathly Hallows?
Deathly Hallows Deathly Hallows or are objects that can make a person to control mortality. These objects are the Invisibility Cloak, the Resurrection Stone and the Elder Wand. Voldemort was seeking the Elder Wand to be immortal forever.Harry's search for the three relics to be able to beat the Horcruxes of Voldemort.
Pensieve is a basin-like object that can show a person's memory. Pensieve used to see the other side of a memory. Magic object is owned by Dumbledore, Harry has repeatedly enter it. When entering the Pensieve, a person only so the "audience" without engaging in that memory.
Who is the boy who always wore a sweater?
Neville Longbottom, who maintains a frog boy named Trevor. After Harry left school to destroy the Horcruxes, Neville, who is also "lost" his parents by Dumbledore, the head of "Dumbledore's Army '. 'Dumbledore's Army' is a secret society of students of Hogwarts against Voldemort. Its members include the Hogwarts student in between Ron's sister, Ginny, Colin Creevey and more.

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