Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dave Mustaine Megadeth Talk About New Album, TH1RT3EN

Thrash metal band Megadeth have announced the upcoming new album will be titled TH1RT3EN. The title marks the album as their thirteenth studio album as well as referring to the anniversary date of vocalist / guitarist Dave Mustaine, September 13.
"I was born on September 13, this is my thirteenth album. It seems appropriate to name it TH1RT3EN, "Mustaine said when interviewed by
Asked how Megadeth find time to record the album in the midst of busy touring, Mustaine said that it is true they have pressed themselves to complete the recording in two months.
"Man, We worked our butts off on That. I have passed the days are very long. There are some days where I woke up at the computer with the scars on my face due to falling asleep at the keyboard, "he said.
Mustaine later leaked two songs that will be contained in the follow-up album from Endgame (2009) it. "Sudden Death," songs that have been used in the video game Guitar Hero and "Never Dead," a song made for the Konami video game titled the same. "Her album itself will probably be out around November 1st," he added.
Problem experience he returned to record the album with the original bass player Dave Ellefson, who had resigned in 2002 and only rejoined last year, Mustaine was admitted to not feel it as something new. "Dave [Ellefson] and I were close friends for almost 30 years. And even though we had not played together for a period of time, it was not my desire, "said Mustaine again.
Mustaine recalls past events in 2002 which never made it disband Megadeth and make Ellefson not happy, that is when injuries to the hand from falling from a chair while asleep. "If I can prevent my hand injury, it probably will not be like that. But I strongly believe that we all now become a better person than before, "he said.

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