Thursday, July 28, 2011

30 Seconds to Mars Release Mini Album August 22

Some time ago the band 30 Seconds to Mars (30STM) appeared on the show MTV Unplugged. Four songs that they played mini-album was recorded to 30STM.

The fourth song is the single 'Hurricane', 'Kings & Queens' and 'Night of the Hunter'. One other song is old U2 song, 'Where the Streets Have No Name'.

Reported by NME, on Thursday (07/28/2011) mini-live album they will only be released in digital form. Meanwhile 30STM concert is still very solid until September.

August, Jared Leto cs will return to England to appear in the Reading and Leeds Festival. They will also perform at Costum House Square, Belfast on 16 August.

Meanwhile, some time ago had blowing news, 30STM plan to vacuum after the tour finished. Unfortunately now they do not want to comment on the news.

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