Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Perfume Justin Income Property Three Million Dollars

Justin women's perfume output generated revenue of more than three million U.S. Dollars to date, when the perfume is called Someday only began to be released into the market a month ago.

In fact, one analyst has compared the output Someday by Britney Spears perfume, Curious, and Jennifer Lopez, Glow, each of which also achieve remarkable success.

Karen Grant, an analyst at NPD Group Inc.., Frost told the magazine, "If (Someday) able to sustain this momentum, then the perfume will be the top-selling perfume in 2011. We've never seen anything like this since the Glow and the Curious. "

Someday Bieber launched on 23 June at a department store called Macy's, located in New York, USA, where perfume is sold exclusively for a specific period.

Bos Macy's Inc., Terry Lundgren was once said, "Perfume Someday output Justin, driven by personal appearance, Justin outstanding at Macy's Herald Square, has been accepted by our customers and has been the launch of the largest to the realm of perfume released by a celebrity."

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