Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First Single from Upcoming Album Evanescence will release in August

rock band Evanescence has announced a new title track after the previous album The Open Door Released five years ago. "What You Want," the title song, will be the first single for their upcoming third album entitled Evanescence.

Reported by MTV.com, vocalist Amy Lee revealed that the song was written by bassist Tim McCord, guitarist Terry Balsamo and himself at his home in New York, United States. "We were just jamming, like, recording demos and songs clearly grew later," Lee said.

Lee later admitted, that song was originally created when he was playing around with the piano. "And then the other personnel such as, 'Do it. Just whatever you do, it's a charming melody. 'And I was like,' Really? 'Sometimes you just need your friends say,' Do it! '"He added.

Problem theme, Lee says that the song is about the freedom that in fact would be a major theme in their new album later. And for Lee song was also about Evanescence, himself, his relationship with music and the fans-which indeed is something that he wanted to do.

"I was not trying to do what is important for the music industry. I'm doing what I want-we do what we love. But at the same time, very refreshing for us to play the music we want to hear, "explains Lee.

"What You Want" will be released in August in CD format through the record label that has become a shelter where they ever since the first album Fallen (2003), Wind-up Records. Meanwhile, Evanescence full album itself is planned to be released in October.

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