Saturday, July 23, 2011

Jennifer Lopez Want Divorce Since 2010

Desire singer and actress Jennifer Lopez aka J-Lo to get a divorce from Marc Anthony was already a long time. Reportedly has been since 2010.

"Jen told Marc he wanted to finish their wedding last year but Marc begged Jen to stay," said a source quoted by Showbiz Spy, Friday (22/07/2011).

According to sources, J-Lo Marc consider requests for their two children. But it turns singer hits 'On the Floor' it was miserable and could not anymore.

Disputes in their household is said not only happen this once. Earlier in 2009, they had almost split up because he called an affair with a stewardess.

"Jennifer would leave, but he begged to stay. They went to marriage counseling and Jennifer decided to give a chance. Marc is the one who really loved Jennifer," explained the source.

Marc habits exhaust the money into one of the causes of cracking them. J-Lo are now fighting for custody of the twins and busied himself with work.

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