Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Michael Jackson Tribute Concert Will Star Studded

A few days ago, a large family of Michael Jackson announced it will hold a concert tribute to the stars who have gone on forever it. It was intended that his fans do not just forget about it.

"The concert we planned to be held in October and we promise there will be many famous stars who come to enliven the concert," said Jackson's mother, Katherine, as reported Female First Tuesday (07/26/2011).

However, she was reluctant to mention anyone who will attend next star. Even so, she was announced the concert would be titled 'Michael Forever: The Tribute Concert'.

"There will be 75,000 fans who will watch the show great. I think Jackson will be delighted with the concert. The concert will be a great concert ever," he explained again.

If there is no hindrance-cross, the concert will be held at Mellenium Stadium in Cardiff. But unfortunately, during the press conference took place, Janet Jackson, Jermaine and Randy did not attend.

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