Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fifteenth album alternative rock band REM, Collapse into Now, has just released four months ago. However, RollingStone.com recently launched, the band founded by singer Michael Stipe, guitarist Peter Buck, bassist Mike Mills and drummer Bill Berry (who resigned in 1997) it has now re-entered the studio to work on a new album.
Not yet known when the new material in hand may begin to be heard. However, one thing is certain, R.E.M. is no longer under contract with record label that shaded them from the album Green (1988), Warner Bros.. Records.
Rolling Stone will release suggests the possibility of their own upcoming album. "We have the choice to do whatever we want - no pressure to do anything," said bass player Mike Mills.
Released a new album and then back into the studio within the next few months is not uncommon for REM Moreover, this is not the first time they chose to keep writing songs and recording them rather than touring.
In an era '90an, R.E.M. had refused to tour to support the album Out of Time (1991) and Automatic for the People (1992) - two albums terksukses them commercially. "We did not tour to support the album. Not for that we play live, "Mills said later. "That's one thing about R.E.M. If we do not feel it, we will not do it. "

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