Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bruce Willis & Henry Cavill in Action in 'The Cold Light of Day'

As an action movie actor, Bruce Willis's name is no doubt about it. Bruce looks like what if paired with a British actor starring Superman Hanry Cahill?

Will Shaw (Henry Cavill) arrives in Spain for a holiday, even though these young entrepreneurs do not feel like a vacation. His company is in trouble and the relationship with his father Martin (Bruce Willis) is also deteriorating.

Then Will and his family became the target of target of kidnapping by intelligence agents who are looking for a mysterious bag. Everything changed when Martin came back, and said if he was an undercover agent.

In searching for an answer, Will meet half-brother he had never known, Lucia (Veronica Echegui). Both then help each other to solve the mystery before it's too late.

'The Cold Light of Day' is a thriller action film directed by Mabrouk El Mechri. The film was aired in Jakarta, but in America will be aired 7 September .

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