Monday, February 27, 2012

'The Artist '2012 Best Movie Oscar

Announcement of the award for Best Film category at the 2012 Academy Awards event has just done. Silent movie filmed director Michel Hazanavicius 'The Artist' made it out as a winner, and is entitled to an Oscar.

'The Artist' beat George Clooney film 'The Descendants' and 'Hugo', directed by Martin Scorsese. In addition there are 'Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close' by director Stephen Daldry, 'The Help' claim, Tate Taylor, 'Midnight in Paris', 'Moneyball', 'The Tree of Life', and Steven Spielberg filmed the movie 'War Horse'.

Thus, 'The Artist' won five Oscars this year. While the 'Hugo' is dominated by winning five trophies.

'The Artist' is a romance film, starring Jean Dujardin France and Berenice Bejo. The film has been released on May 15, 2011.

Background story in Hollywood between 1927 and 1932 period and focuses on the actor whose popularity has declined, and the actress on the rise. The film is produced with no sound and black - white. The lead actor Jean Dujardin also won the Best Actor award at the Oscars 2012.

Hazanavicius desire to produce silent films initially not taken seriously by the producers. But after a spy movie parody 'OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies "and" OSS 117: Lost in Rio' experience success financially, wants the 44-year-old director began to be addressed.

Narrative film-making began with the desire to work together again Hazanavicius with actor Jean Dujardin and Berenice Bejo, Hazanivicius wife. Both are stars' OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies "and" OSS 117: Lost in Rio ".

Hazanavicius chose as the theme of silent movie melodrama garapannya. According to the Best Director BAFTA award winning 2012's, most of the best silent film era of glory, themed melodrama.

The director then conduct extensive research on the 1920 Hollywood era. In addition, he also learned techniques to make a silent movie with a story that is easily understood. Film script 'The Artist' made within four months.

Hazanavicius completed the filming of 'The Artist' in thirty-five days, and made the screen with a ratio of 1,33:1 are often used in silent films.

Although 'The Artist' only black-and-white image, taken with color film by cinematographer Guillaume Schiffman. Thomas Langmann-produced film that the production cost of U.S. $ 15 million or around Rp 134.2 billion.

When the actors are acting, playing classical music Hazanavicius Hollywood. While for the players costumes created by designer Mark Bridges.

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