Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Photos of 'Star Trek 2' Leaked, J.J Abrams Disappointed

Director JJ Abrams reportedly not pleased when a number of photographs of scenes on the set of 'Star Trek 2' outstanding. It was submitted by one of its main star, Zoe Saldana.

The actress, who plays Nyota Uhura, said, angry that Abrams did not want to disappoint fans of 'Star Wars' as a surprise to those already leaked in advance. Moreover, these images can reveal the identity of the main villain Benedict Cumberbatch.

"JJ is very disappointed. I must say that," he said as reported by MTV News on Thursday (03/01/2012).

Zoe further revealed that the atmosphere on the set is also a bit more tense after the pictures were scattered. There are two photographs that show the character Cumberbatch was fighting with Spock, Uhura while other photos show was holding a gun.

Speaking on the issue confirms Zachary Quito, a number of outstanding photo was not taken on the set of 'Star Trek 2'. The 34-year-old actor believes a fight scene in the photo is not a scene that will be circulated in the sequel to the film.

"The camera does not even rolling, so imagine what would be like if we really were doing the scene," he said.

Quinto went on, he and Cumberbatch was in a small section of the site when someone takes their picture. "That may have happened. We were in great location in the middle of nowhere is amazing, and some people might be lucky," he continued.

'Star Trek 2' will be released in the U.S. theaters on May 17, 2013. Quinto, Saldana, Chris Pine, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin, Karl Urban and John Cho will return as Spock, Uhura, James T. Kirk, Scotty, Pavel, Bones and Hikaru Sulu.

voice has not recovered, Celine Dion Cancel 10 Concert

The estimated recovery doctor about the singer Celine Dion was missed. Celine was forced to cancel 10 concerts in Las Vegas.

Last week, Celine canceled show at the Colosseum, Caesar's Palace due to virus attacked his voice. Celine vocal chords so troubled and he should be rested.

But before Celine sure I can come back to sing again on 2 March. But all is not as planned. He had to cancel all concerts until March 18, 2012. Similarly told Female First, on Thursday (03/01/2012).

Previously, Celine had to fly to Los Angeles to check with your doctor Gerald Berke at UCLA Medical Center. The doctor also predict Celine must rest his voice for 6 to 8 weeks.

Celine right vocal cord is still very weak. If he does not rest, the vocal cords is at stake. Team doctors did not want to be careless with it.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The BOys Band Is Back

We've said it before, then we said it again, and now we're gonna say it one more time: Boy bands are back. And we can all thank the U.K.'s The Wanted. Much like the American boy bands of the '90s (*NSYNC, Backstreet Boys), The Wanted didn't come together on their own. They were instead formed in 2009 during a mass audition, and they got to work right away on their first self-titled album. After their debut single "All Time Low" went to No. 1 on British charts in 2010 just months after forming, we (and the rest of the world) figured it was time to start paying attention.

We sat down with MTV's PUSH Artist Of The Week to discuss all the pressing issues that an up-and-coming crossover boy band must face: which American venues they'd love to play, what they think of their American fans and, of course, their real feelings about Justin Bieber, with whom the band shares manager Scooter Braun. "He actually sent us a tweet before saying he's really enjoyed being on tour with us which was really nice 'cause compared to our half-million followers, he's got about 17 and a half million." Friends in high places (or with millions of Twitter followers) are always good friends to have.

The Wanted's most recent single, "Glad You Came," was recently covered on "Glee," which pretty much means these dudes are set for life. (@mtv)

'The Artist '2012 Best Movie Oscar

Announcement of the award for Best Film category at the 2012 Academy Awards event has just done. Silent movie filmed director Michel Hazanavicius 'The Artist' made it out as a winner, and is entitled to an Oscar.

'The Artist' beat George Clooney film 'The Descendants' and 'Hugo', directed by Martin Scorsese. In addition there are 'Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close' by director Stephen Daldry, 'The Help' claim, Tate Taylor, 'Midnight in Paris', 'Moneyball', 'The Tree of Life', and Steven Spielberg filmed the movie 'War Horse'.

Thus, 'The Artist' won five Oscars this year. While the 'Hugo' is dominated by winning five trophies.

'The Artist' is a romance film, starring Jean Dujardin France and Berenice Bejo. The film has been released on May 15, 2011.

Background story in Hollywood between 1927 and 1932 period and focuses on the actor whose popularity has declined, and the actress on the rise. The film is produced with no sound and black - white. The lead actor Jean Dujardin also won the Best Actor award at the Oscars 2012.

Hazanavicius desire to produce silent films initially not taken seriously by the producers. But after a spy movie parody 'OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies "and" OSS 117: Lost in Rio' experience success financially, wants the 44-year-old director began to be addressed.

Narrative film-making began with the desire to work together again Hazanavicius with actor Jean Dujardin and Berenice Bejo, Hazanivicius wife. Both are stars' OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies "and" OSS 117: Lost in Rio ".

Hazanavicius chose as the theme of silent movie melodrama garapannya. According to the Best Director BAFTA award winning 2012's, most of the best silent film era of glory, themed melodrama.

The director then conduct extensive research on the 1920 Hollywood era. In addition, he also learned techniques to make a silent movie with a story that is easily understood. Film script 'The Artist' made within four months.

Hazanavicius completed the filming of 'The Artist' in thirty-five days, and made the screen with a ratio of 1,33:1 are often used in silent films.

Although 'The Artist' only black-and-white image, taken with color film by cinematographer Guillaume Schiffman. Thomas Langmann-produced film that the production cost of U.S. $ 15 million or around Rp 134.2 billion.

When the actors are acting, playing classical music Hazanavicius Hollywood. While for the players costumes created by designer Mark Bridges.

4 Grammy Awards for the Foo Fighters

Alternative rock band from the United States, Foo Fighters showed his strength at the Grammy Awards-54. When the news was revealed Dave Grohl cs has won 4 trophies from six nominations.

Foo Fighters song called 'Walk' a winner for Best Rock Song beat 'The Cave' Mumford & Sons, 'Down By The Water' The Decemberist, 'Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall', daln 'Lotus Flower' Radiohead.

Album 'Wasting Light' band belongs to the past formed in 1994 it also won Best Rock Album category. Foo Fighter rid of Jeff Beck with the album "Rock 'N' Roll Party honoring Les Paul ', Kings of Leon' Come Around Sundown ', Red Hot Chili Peppers' I'm With You', and Wilco 'Wilco'.

Do not stop there, Foo Fighters still showed its dominance in the area with loud music won Best Hard Rock / Metal Performance through the song 'White Limo'. Other nominees in this category is' On The Backs Of Angels' Dream Theater 'Curl Of The Burl' Mastodon, 'Public Enemy No. 1 'Megadeth,' Blood In My Eyes' Sum 41.

The band that spawned her latest album 'Wasting Light' in 2011 and it also won Best Rock Performance rid of Coldplay, Radiohead, Mumford & Sons, and The Decemberists.

Foo Fighters won the first Grammy Awards through the "Learn to Fly" in 2000. They have also won Best Rock Album of the album 'There Is Nothing Left To Lose', 'One by One', 'Echoes', 'Silence', from 'Patience & Grace'.

Friday, February 24, 2012

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stealing mobile phones, Chris Brown Arrested Police

R & B singer Chris Brown is rumored to have been arrested by police for stealing a woman's cell phone. As reported by NME, NBC6 Miami stated that the singer who recently reunited with his ex-girlfriend, Rihanna has been arrested for theft and is in the process of police investigation.
Based on reports obtained, the incidence started from Christal Spann, 24-year-old woman who was taking pictures Brown and rapper Tyga when they're up a car outside a nightclub in Miami.
Spann then claimed that the singer said to her, "Bitch, you will not be able to put these photographs on any site" before finally taking the iPhone Spann then go for a drive it.
Up to now not clear whether Brown still keep the mobile phone. Clearly the police have classified the incident as a violation of "mugging" and the local government attorney's office to confirm if they were preparing an arrest warranty.
Meanwhile, reported that the allegations of a case that could affect Brown's probation recently. As information, Brown was sentenced to five years probation for assault of a sudden that he did to his ex-girlfriend, Rihanna in 2009 ago, and earlier this month the court rejected the appeal for an end to the penalty early.
"The condition of her probation are very strict. Chris must comply with all regulations and was not arrested for another crime. This can be a big nightmare for the singer's probation if he is arrested and fined, "said a source told the site.
Brown recently it was back again "intimate" with Rihanna after exchanging remixes of each song.
According to news reported by MTV, Rihanna remix to the song "Turn Up The Music" Chris Brown's, was a former girlfriend remix to Rihanna's "Birthday Cake", which contained the last album Rihanna That Talk Talk.
On the reunion of two stars, the response was mixed up. Domestic violence experts warned Rihanna to not get too close to Brown again, while the producer of songs Rihanna, The Dream say otherwise. He defends his decision singer from Barbados is to be together again with Brown and said the fans have to support it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Whitney Houston clothing and jewelry to be Whitney Houston clothing and jewelry to be auctioned

It has been more than a week the singer Whitney Houston died. The value of goods belonging historic Whitney was expected to rise several-fold in the auction.

A total of 15 dresses and jewelry owned by Whitney in California will be auctioned in March. The most historic items include a black velvet gown worn in the video clip Whitney's 'I Will Always Love You'.

In addition, there are also a pair of earrings worn while playing Whitney film 'The Bodyguard'. According to auctioneer Darren Julien, more than 50 relatives and Whitney family who offered to conduct auctions of the superstar.

"The goods can be increased by 10, 20, even 30 times higher than the value before he died. These items become part of history," he said as reported by the New York Times, Tuesday